Dramatically presented as Ultra is, I've appreciated the research and revelations of the first series and I'm about to tuck into season two on my next hike. I'm mortified that what's happening now has happened before, totally history repeating itself, and similar to how Americans collectively forgot the Spanish Flu as the last pandemic the country wasn't prepared to be kneecapped by, that the nation has forgotten how the bad guys got away with nearly winning last time, and have definitely done their homework for how to get it right this time around once they get their Orange Caesar back into the White House.
The history unspooled through this podcast series has been eye opening the way learning about the massacre of the African American community of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma from the Watchmen TV series was, leaving me filled with a sense of shocked wonderment that I could have traveled through an American academic system with fairly high marks and have never heard a peep about these sorts of historic, horrific, lamentable aspects of America’s checkered past of governmental and social failures. Themes and threats that appear to be unfolding again like the glib handling of the pandemic by conservative authorities, the sorts of continued systemic racism that lead to the George Floyd / Black Lives Matter protests, or the right wing powers stuffing benches and gerrymandering themselves into minority rule through insidious means and building an army of racist, religious Silver Shirt reincarnate undesirables.
That the Congressional compatriots complicit with the events of January 6 still remain free to rule and rig the political game as they choose demonstrates that nothing good was learned from the events nearly a century ago that the Ultra series focuses on. That the radical right wingers seem to have a path to victory now, having learned from their mistakes around the last World War, is scarier than any horror podcast I’ve listened to in a while. I hope anyone who can legally vote to end this insanity does. Fascist and oppressive monocultural religion, racism, and homophobia while we’re at it, have no business being in politics, governance, or society writ large.